Average Weight: 5kg - 11lb - feels more than this though when you've upset one and it's ran up and attacked you by hanging off your thigh muscle with its beak, like 5 bags of sugar dangling from a pair of pliers attached to your leg.
Average Height: 70cm - 27.5inches
Breeding Season: November - February - Adélie penguin colonies are very loud, raucous, busy and smelly affairs. The call of an adélie is as musical and gentle as a braying jackass and the whole colony is awash with guano (posh word for bird poop). When I was in Antarctica one thing I did was help with long-term surveys which entailed walking through the colony (terribly frowned upon these days). Each nest is just over two pecking distances apart so the penguins can't reach each other. Of course walking through the middle meant that you were in range of everyone. I used to worry a lot about falling over in a penguin colony, covered from head to toe in guano and pecked mercilessly.
Reproduction: Large colonies of up to half a million birds. Nests are lined with pebbles, and slightly higher than the surrounding land so that if the temperature rises and the snow melts, the nest is not flooded. The males arrive first on the nesting site at the beginning of the season and start the nest, then both partners work on the nest. Usually two eggs are laid, rarely three. Incubation of the first egg is 35 - 37 days, and the second chick is a few days behind the first. Male and female parent share egg and chick duty. Chicks are fed regurgitated krill (yum!) The chicks become independent at about two months old.
Estimated world population: - 5 million breeding pairs
Distribution: Circumpolar, tend to be found within the pack ice.
Oldest Rookery - At least 6,335 years old. The places where penguins nest together are called rookeries. These are started and later abandoned for reasons that are not entirely clear. Archaeological type studies have found that these rookeries are often continually used for many hundreds of years, even thousands. The oldest so far found has been used every year since well before 4 000 BC.
Adélie penguins are scared of: Leopard seals - main predators of adult birds, and Skuas - prey on eggs and chicks on land. They are not scared of the "Ice Man", "The Thing" or falling over on their backs and not being able to get up again - the first Antarctic "Urban Myth".
1/ Adélie penguins live further south than any other type. Why are these on the ice?. |
There are more Adélie penguins than any other penguin species. They live in the deep south and as such frequently have to cross many kilometres of ice still bound to the continent or islands to reach land in the spring where they can build their nests.
Sometimes they have to travel as much as 100 kilometres, though usually 20-40 is more usual. A long walk nevertheless.
This pair were early arrivals in spring at an Antarctic Island near the northern edge of their breeding range and only had about half a kilometre to waddle and "toboggan".
Tobogganing is a way of getting around where there is smooth snow or ice. The penguin lies on its stomach and propels itself along using its feet, an efficient use of energy and one where the penguin can easily keep up with a running man.
2/ When do adélie penguins start to nest? |
3/ Why are these penguins hopping about on the ice? |
4/ How long were they stuck? |
5/ Are there any problems in photographing penguins in these conditions? |
6/ Why is this penguin showing off? |
10/ Is this a penguin? Wait until his father gets home! |
When the parents go off to sea to catch fish for the chicks, the chicks have little to do other than stand around and try not to get into trouble. This doesn't always work in the way that it is supposed to, rather like human children, penguin chicks fall over sometimes and get a bit dirty!
1/ What are Weddell seals like?
2/ How do Weddell mothers look after their young? |
3/ Isn't it difficult for the pups to survive when they're born onto the ice? |
Pups are encouraged into the water very early on by their mothers, perhaps only a week or so after birth. The water is their natural habitat and with their thick protection of blubber is a more comfortable place to be most of the time for these seals than out on the ice where the temperature can be -40° C or less with winds frequently of gale force or greater. |
4/ Why do they have such large eyes? |
5/ Where are the males when the pups are born and suckling from the mother? |
6/ How do Weddell seals manage to survive out on the open ice? How do they get to the sea? |
Keeping breathing holes open like this wears away the teeth of Weddell seals and it is this that means that the Weddells only live to about 18 years old, about half the life-span of a crabeater seal for instance. Weddells can swim great distances across apparently continuous sea-ice by detecting the natural cracks and holes along the way. When covering distance rather than fishing, they only dive to a shallow depth and find the next breathing hole in the gloom under the ice by sonar - they emit a series of high pitched sounds and pick up the difference in sound when the sounds reach a hole. |
7/ Do the pups take naturally to the water straight away? |
"Attempts" is the wrong word. What actually happens is that the mother pushes the pup into the water against its will. She then pushes its head under the water - again against its will. There is much coughing, spluttering and panic before the pup realises that it can hold its breath under the water and that this in fact does help! The pups soon get the hang of it though and as adults will dive to up to 600 metres (2 000ft) or more staying under for up to an hour and going as much as 12 kilometres from the breathing hole. A typical feeding dive takes the seal to 200-400m and lasts for 5-25 minutes. |
8/ Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes wedelli) at breathing holes |
The lower picture is of a Weddell seal that has made a hole in apparently unbroken, though quite thin fast-ice and hauled out for a rest. We came across this seal while out several miles from the shore on recently formed and very hard and strong, but disconcertingly thin ice. In fact we didn't realise how thin the ice was until we came across this seal and the hole it had made. It was entirely unperturbed by a group of 5 people manhauling a heavily laden sledge with camping gear as we went off on our holidays and treated us as if we weren't really there at all. Seals probably live a fairly surreal life anyhow. |
9/ Why are the White Island Weddell seals special? |
They are isolated from the rest of the world as the nearest open sea for them to is too far under the very thick ice of the Ross ice shelf for them to get out.
These seals are thought to have travelled to this area between 50 and 100 years ago when a large chunk of permanent ice shelf broke off. They were then trapped when it reformed behind them and have remained here ever since. They use cracks in the ice immediately beside White Island to reach the sea, they must dive about 70 metres here through cracks in the ice before they get down to the open sea below. In the summer when the sea ice has broken up, it is still at least 22 kilometres to the next breath at the edge of the ice shelf, too far for the seals to manage.
So here they remain unable to leave the area and with a deep dive past walls of ice before they can even begin fishing.