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They’re a diabolical nuisance, yet considered sacred.  But for a gang of monkeys making their home at the Galta Temple in the Indian city of Jaipur, it’s an easy life — lounge by the sacred pool, groom your friends and accept handouts from worshippers paying respect to the Hindu Monkey God Hanuman.  But their happy days may be numbered.  When a lingering drought threatens local food supplies, the monkeys face an end to their easy gravy train. 
Join this charismatic fuzzy-haired crew as they search for food and find trouble on the chaotic streets.  When their quest for an easy meal goes awry, the temple troop finds life is harder away from home as they encounter monkey catchers, livid locals and bigger, badder monkeys. See how people cope with an army of troublemakers even as the monkeys contend with the official monkey catcher and rival bands of monkeys.
Throughout the series, Rebel Monkeys highlights the group’s ever-widening antics and the threats they encounter at their sacred temple home and across the big city.  Watch a battle of wits and reflexes play out as the local monkey catcher attempts to apprehend any macaque that crosses the line, to be carted out to the countryside miles from their urban paradise.
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